Regular Meetings
We’re following the vision of making peace given by Murshid Sam to Eat, Dance and Pray together.
by Donation.
New South Wales
On the 1st Saturday of the month, we will be dancing from 3.30pm to 5.30pm at the Bondi Centre for Peace and Meditation,15 Blair Street, Bondi Beach - near the 379 bus stop at 7 Ways.
Call Arjuna Ben on 0405 138 439 for more information.
Bring food to share for after the dancing.
Dance Training will be at 2.30pm at 15 Blair Street, Bondi, so you are welcome to come early to learn to lead or support the leaders.
Bring supper to share.
Meeting: 3rd Friday of the month from 7pm to 9pm at 15 Blair Street, Bondi.
Dances are now regularly held Bring supper to share. Call Arjuna Ben on 0405 138 439 for further information.
Contact: Ben 0405 138 439 or Karen 0423 173 639
Bondi Dances Flyer
Christophorus House, Hornsby
Meeting: 3rd Saturday of the month, from 2.30 in the Cottage at Christophorus House, 396 Peats Ferry Road, Hornsby (at Hookhams Corner opposite Old Berowra Road). Street parking is recommended as internal parking is limited.
Bring afternoon tea to share. By donation.
Contact Sabira Jane on 0499 652 804 for more information.
Starting 20th January, 2024. No Meeting in April or May, 2024
West of the Blue Mountains
Due to the COVID issue and our Circle Leaders having moved away from the Mountains, Diane is now focussing on Tara Mandala Meditation meetings in Bathurst. These are not held on a regular basis. For more information
Contact: Diane 0422 331 451
Central Coast
Held at a private venue in Bateau Bay.
2nd Sunday of the month from 3.30 to 5pm
Call Raimunda on 0425 743 171 for further information and to reserve your place, as numbers are limited.
Newcastle Area
No regular Dances are being held here at present.
Contact Nurallah Vicki Bennet on 0412 113 458 mewarriorwoman@gmail.com
Mid North Coast
1st Saturday of the month. CWA Hall, 21 Elizabeth St. Sawtell 2 - 4pm
3rd Saturday of the month New venue, please contact Sue. 2 - 4pm..
Contact: Annie Rayner 0427 866 469 ann.rayner41@gmail.com
or Sue Lennox 0408 027 995 slennox@ozgreen.org.au
4th Saturday of the month, 2 to 4pm (subject to change)
Mullum Commons, 91 Main Arm Road, Mullumbimby
Contact: Anna Sophia Parker 02 6685 4491 or 0409 224 286
www.sophiawisdom.com.au anna.sophiawisdom@gmail.com
Contact: Leilani 02 6628 8283
Contact Kellie Grattidge
Mobile: 0438 881 985
South Australia
Adelaide Hills
Come together in community....
Adelaide Hills Dances of Universal Peace
Please contact Amrita for enquiries and venue details
email dancingfeetwalking@gmail.com
Ph 0409 209 054
From March onward we will meet on the first Saturday of the month 2 - 4pm followed by a light afternoon tea. All welcome!
In 2024 as well as our regular monthly dance circle we will also offer some 'Family Dances of Universal Peace' with a particular focus for children and early in the first half of the year the Beatitude Cycle ( Aramaic ) and at least once during the year The Lord's Prayer ( Aramaic )
Northern Territory
Dances of Universal Peace Australia Outreach Initiative
'Dancing in Darwin'
with Amrita, Maria & friends
Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th July 2024
Venue – Lakeside Drive Community Garden, Alawa NT
Enquiries to
Maria ram.mann92@yahoo.com phone 0420680546
Amrita dancingfeetwalking@gmail.com